Supporting the Breastfeeding Journey with MilkMate and Room to Grow’s Partnership

Nearly 75% of new moms want to return to work after giving birth, and yet less than 18% feel confident in doing so. One of the factors making this more difficult is the barrier to pumping at work.

During National Breastfeeding Month each August, we have an opportunity to protect, promote, and support lactation practices and policies for breastfeeding families. This is what Room to Grow is accomplishing through our partnership with MilkMate, an all-in-one breast pumping solution built for workplaces.

About 1 in 5 women who chose not to breastfeed or did so for less than 10 weeks reported returning to work or school as the reason in a 2023 study. This was more common among American Indian and Black individuals who are also more likely to work jobs that do not offer paid time off or mandated maternity leave, and/or have to work more than one job. These gender and racial equity gaps in access to support create unnecessary hurdles for breastfeeding families. Many workplaces have been slow to address these obstacles, and that combined with the hassles of bringing all the equipment, finding space and time to pump, and cleaning up can cause families to give up on pumping altogether. 

By partnering with MilkMate, Room to Grow is bringing awareness both to these disparities and to a solution. In October of 2023, MilkMate installed their first-of-its-kind solution in our South Bronx Family Center to help our families and visitors have everything they need to pump when visiting Room to Grow. Instead of just offering a room, their all-in-one pumping system includes breast pump, pre-sterilized and pre-assembled breast shield kits, ongoing inventory management, and dedicated customer support. This installation is more than just a convenience; it represents a significant step forward in supporting the breastfeeding journey of the families we partner with.

National Breastfeeding Month is dedicated to ensuring all families have the opportunity to breastfeed. With our mission to help families and their children thrive from the start, we are proud to partner with an organization like MilkMate who is creating a more family-friendly world. 

How can you support breastfeeding families during National Breastfeeding Month?