Are You or Someone You Know Expecting?
Room to Grow is a program for expecting parents who would benefit from free parenting support, free baby and toddler items, and collaborative strategies to support their children’s growth and development. Learn more about the Room to Grow program.
If you or someone you know is expecting a child and would like to join our program, fill out an application! Afterward, one of our team members will reach out with information about enrollment decisions in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible?
Expecting families of all types are welcome to apply. We enroll families who are eligible for other benefits, such as SNAP, WIC, TANF, etc. There are no requirements around citizenship, age, marital or relationship status, or number of children. Currently, the program is offered in English and Spanish.
Where is our program offered?
Room to Grow has Family Centers in Boston and New York. See our Contact Us page for more details.
Can families enroll after their baby is born?
No, our program is designed so that a family's first visit occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, before their baby is born. Expecting parents should apply before the start of their third trimester.
Does submitting an application guarantee enrollment in the program?
We try to accept as many expecting families as possible, but sometimes families are not accepted to join the program because of limited capacity. After applying, families can expect to hear about enrollment decisions in the third trimester of pregnancy.
What’s involved in the three years of the program?
Parents and caregivers have their first visit during their last trimester of pregnancy. From there, they meet one-on-one with program staff every three months until their children turn three. Each visit is two hours long and is held at one of our Family Centers in Boston or New York.
During the first half of the visit, families and program staff talk through the challenges and joys of early parenthood, discuss their children's development, and brainstorm strategies and resources that support family goals. In the second half of the visit, the conversation continues in our baby boutique, where parents choose the clothes, books, toys, and other items that will be useful for their children until the next visit.
Where do Room to Grow visits take place?
Parents and children meet with program staff at Room to Grow Family Centers for all 13 visits.